Dr. Blal Clinic


Sinus Lift in Jerusalem

You need implants, but there's no bone? A maxillofacial surgeon is all you need!

Sinus lift, also known as open sinus lift, is a surgical procedure that allows increasing the amount of bone in the posterior area of the upper jaw, in the maxillary sinus region. This procedure is required when the natural bone height of the patient is insufficient to support a dental implant.

Preparation for Sinus Lift:

  1. Initial assessment: The maxillofacial surgeon first performs an assessment through a clinical examination and X-rays to determine the type of sinus lift required.
  2. Pre-operative preparation: In certain cases, special preparations are needed, such as antibiotics or nasal spray, to ensure the sinuses are healthy and well-ventilated.

The Sinus Lift Procedure:

  1. Local anesthesia: The surgeon administers local anesthesia similar to what a dentist does for oral procedures.
  2. Creating a lateral access window: Through the oral cavity, the surgeon makes an incision in the gum to access the lateral wall of the sinus, creating a window for access to the sinus cavity.
  3. Elevating the sinus membrane: Using specialized tools, the surgeon gently separates the sinus membrane from the sinus floor, creating space to introduce bone graft material and dental implants.
  4. Bone graft and implants placement: The surgeon gradually introduces bone graft material into the sinus cavity and then places dental implants.
  5. Closure of the lateral access window: After implant placement, the surgeon covers the lateral access window in the bone with a special membrane made of collagen to seal the opening and prevent the entry of cells and bacteria.
  6. Suturing: The surgeon sutures the gum to hold the tissue in place, and these sutures typically remain in place for 7-14 days until the healing is complete.

Recovery, Follow-up, and Exposure:

  • Rest: After the sinus lift surgery, the patient is required to rest for several days and avoid strenuous physical activities.
  • Swelling: Swelling in the cheek area typically develops in the first two days, peaking within 48 hours. In some cases, localized bleeding may also occur. These are temporary side effects that resolve as the healing progresses over about a week.
  • Suture removal: After about a week, the patient returns for a follow-up examination. The surgeon assesses the healing progress and removes the sutures, followed by a waiting period of 6 months for new bone formation in the sinus.
  • Mid-term check-up: After approximately three months (midway through the waiting period), the patient is scheduled for another follow-up visit. The surgeon evaluates the healing progress and schedules exposure to the dental implants.
  • Exposure: Approximately six months after the sinus lift, the healing process is complete, and the transplanted bone integrates with the surrounding bone. The surgeon exposes the implants under local anesthesia, allowing the process of fitting crowns to begin.

Post-Sinus Lift Instructions:

  • Eating and drinking: The patient should avoid eating for two hours after the procedure and consume soft, non-spicy foods in the initial days.
  • Cold compresses: Cold compresses with ice packs are recommended during the first two days to reduce swelling.
  • Pain management: Pain relief medication is prescribed by the surgeon to manage post-operative discomfort, and patients should follow the recommended dosage to prevent unnecessary pain.
  • Dental hygiene: Proper oral hygiene is crucial after a sinus lift to prevent infections. Rinse the mouth twice a day with chlorhexidine mouthwash starting one week after the procedure.
  • Nasal drops: The surgeon may recommend nasal drops twice a day on the side of the surgery for five days to prevent sinus congestion.

What is the difference between open sinus lift and closed sinus lift?

  • A closed sinus lift is a much less invasive surgical procedure compared to an open sinus lift. It does not require incisions in the gums, and the bone augmentation is done through the sinus floor using a special drill. This method is efficient in certain limited cases where the amount of missing bone is minimal.
  • However, this technique is not suitable for all cases, and its main drawback is that the surgeon cannot directly visualize the sinus cavity during the procedure, making it impossible to ensure that no tears occur in the sinus membrane during the surgery, which could jeopardize the success of the procedure.
  • Unfortunately, this method is widely used by inexperienced dentists and often leads to significant failures in the surgery and implantation. Patients are left without implants, with sinus infections, and sometimes with a connection between the mouth and sinus space, known as a “fistula,” which allows fluids to freely pass between the mouth and the nose during eating and drinking. This can require additional surgeries later to correct the damage.
  • Open sinus lift, on the other hand, is a more extensive procedure. Like any surgical intervention, the decision about the appropriate surgical technique or implant type is the responsibility of the experienced oral surgeon, who should ensure that the treatment is performed correctly, guarantee its success, and avoid unnecessary complications and risks.

When is an open sinus lift necessary, and when can you use a closed sinus lift or short implants?

  • Inadequate Bone Volume: In cases where the amount of missing bone is more significant, usually greater than 3-4 mm, the surgeon will often choose to perform an open sinus lift. This allows better access to the sinus cavity and the ability to fill the larger amount of missing bone without concern for tearing the sinus membrane.
  • Sinus Septa: In some cases, X-rays may reveal the presence of bony septa within the sinus space that divide it into smaller compartments. These internal bone walls require an open sinus lift to access.
  • Fragile Sinus Membrane: The inner membrane of the sinus can be very delicate and fragile in some individuals. Any attempt to lift it may result in tears and complete perforation. The risk is lower when performing an open sinus lift. Even if a tear occurs during the procedure, the surgeon can immediately identify and repair it or take additional surgical measures to address the issue.
  • Implant Stability: Short implants have limitations in their ability to withstand strong chewing forces, especially those applied in the posterior region (molar area). Improper distribution of forces may lead to implant failure even at later stages after implantation.
  • Long-Term Success: Dental implants are intended to provide a long-term solution for missing teeth. To ensure their longevity, it is crucial that the implants are placed in healthy and adequately sized bone. Open sinus lift procedures help create an ideal environment for implant placement, increasing the chances of long-term success.

For all these reasons, as with any surgical treatment, the decision on the type of surgical treatment or implant type is a well-considered decision by the trusted and experienced oral surgeon who will perform the treatment. 

 considering undergoing sinus lift in Jerusalem?

Sinus lift surgery is a highly complex surgical procedure that carries many complexities and risks. However, when performed by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon, this procedure can be carried out smoothly without unnecessary complications and risks. With 23 years of experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Belal is the right person to trust in this intricate process, ensuring a successful and safe experience.

Do not rush to undergo the treatment by less skilled hands, and do not let fears prevent you from being able to receive implants and enjoy a fully functional upper jaw. We are here to help.


Why choose an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for sinus lift?

Sinus lift is a highly specialized and complex surgical procedure with its own potential complications and risks. These risks include the danger of infections, tears in the sinus membrane, and the risk of “fistula,” a connection between the oral cavity and the sinuses, allowing fluid to pass from the mouth to the sinuses during eating and drinking.

Choosing an expert in oral and maxillofacial surgery is non-negotiable.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons undergo extensive 5-year specialization programs and receive official approvals from the Ministry of Health. Their profound understanding of the anatomy of the mouth and sinuses uniquely equips them to handle the complexities of sinus lifts.

Selecting an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon ensures the success of the treatment without unnecessary complications and risks.

Comprehensive care from diagnosis to recovery.

Beyond the surgical procedure of sinus lift and bone grafting, a skilled oral and maxillofacial surgeon supervises every stage of the healing process to ensure that each step, from preparation to post-operative care, is tailored to the unique case of each patient.

Each patient has unique needs and conditions, and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can assess the situation correctly and provide the most efficient and tailored treatment solutions.

Advanced surgical skills and the ability to handle potential complications.

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon can perform the surgical procedure perfectly with minimal discomfort for the patient. They know how to handle any possible complications during treatment and can provide the correct surgical solutions to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.

Ready for unexpected complications.

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is the most capable physician to efficiently and successfully handle any unexpected complications that may arise during or after treatment, while ensuring optimal results.

With extensive experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery, choosing an expert guarantees a well-informed decision for your oral health. Selecting a highly experienced surgeon ensures the best possible outcome for you. From the initial assessment to post-operative care, treatment by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon makes all the difference.

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